Little Cayman, Little Cayman Beach Resort, May 17-24, 2025

Our 2025 edition of Stephen Frink’s Digital Master Class will be held at Little Cayman Beach Resort, Little Cayman. Little Cayman provides us the opportunity of a target-rich environment in very clear water and colorful backgrounds, the recipe for stellar underwater photos. During the week we will also run our boat to Cayman Brac (weather permitting) to dive the Tibbets shipwreck and enjoy some photo opportunities unique to that island as well. Most dives are quite shallow as well, providing ample time and ambient light for creative underwater photography.
This course will again provide the tag-team of Stephen Frink for underwater photo instruction and Eddie Tapp bringing his expertise in Photoshop, Lightroom, and workflow efficiency. Reef Divers will provide a 46-foot Newton dive boat for our group, and Little Cayman Beach Resort will host our class in their dedicated conference center.
Your package includes 7-nights accommodations, all meals, 6 days of 3 tank dives, complimentary wifi, airport ground transfers, hotel taxes and fees.
• $2,495 per person based on double occupancy
• $3,219 for single occupancy package
• $995 course fee for Digital Masters class
* Class is limited to 16. Non-students (Riders) limited to 8 to ensure adequate room aboard our Newton 46-foot custom dive boat.